What is this?
This is the place where alternate format specialists and almost specialists can share about what’s up in the esoteric world of alt format. If you want to discover an amazing tip or trick or tell us about one you've tripped over or developed, or just want to share techramblings with your fellow alt format specialists, this is your playground.
What can you post here?
The door is open to anything half-way intelligent and related to alt format, especially production. No need to foray into the world of questionable clichés, like "there are no stupid questions". Suffice it to say that we can ask questions from "What is Microsoft Word" to "How can I create an accessible Excel table?" to "How do I embed form fields in an HTML exam?" We can even ask, "Is the guy who rides around campus in a golf cart with no seeming real work to do retiring soon and can I have his job before I have a breakdown?" In short, this playground of ours is pretty much anything we want it to be.
Why would you want to come back?
Look around you - at your colleagues at colleges, universities, accessibility departments of businesses. We are a community divided, often going it alone, maybe with a random student worker or assistant, hunkered down behind a wall of books and publisher PDF files waiting for us to wave one of Harry Potter's most excellent magic wands (he also has a cloak of invisibility but you're not allowed to wear that at work). Some of us have a well-stocked wandkit; some of us have one raggedy stick. So being part of a community that shares alt format know-how is long overdue. Maybe some seekers of alt format wisdom will be disappointed by what they find here and will go their merry and scoffing way. But some of us may stick around, form a united community, and rock the alt format world.
Who's in charge here?
Well if you're asking who started this blog, I did. I'm Julie and I am an alt format specialist. But if you're asking what will infuse this blog with life and spirit and shared knowledge, we will, you and I, together.
How can you post here?
The good: enter your comment in the big Leave a Reply box below and click on Submit Comment. The bad: looks like you have to enter your name and email address in the little boxes, sorry. The ugly: if you try to type your comment into the Search field at the top right of the page, your post will, well, not post.